What words could describe the profound bliss I feel in my body at this moment. Every morning since I purchased the world-classe GreenStar Juicer, I have juiced a spectrum of vegetables, mainly a full bunch of celery, cucumbers, beets, carrots, and spicing it up with ginger, lime, and hot peppers as my inspiration dictates. For the first few months I was almost overwhelmed by the intensity of the juice, and found the flavors hard to swallow. It is not something someone raised on standard diet would easily be used to.

Most flavors in the cooked food palate are oversalted, overcooked, oversweetened, with preservatives added, that our taste buds may not be used to flavors of food in its natural state. But over time my taste buds slowly adapted to this.

It was only recently, the past few weeks, where within about 1 hour of drinking this elixir of life, do I feel myself overpowered by such intense bliss it is hard to describe. It is as if I am literally breathing in the joy of life, the exquisiteness of being alive so intensely it is almost hard to contain. Somehow my body has transformed and uplifted itself to receive this high-octane life and nutrition straight from the source.

It is a gift from the source of creation for me to be able to taste and experience such incredible ecstasy simply from something natural and fresh that I drink, the reward after many years of hard work on myself, healing many bothersome, chronic problems that the average person might consider “normal.” And yet, I wanted more, much more.

My cells are singing and dancing the song of life. In my humble opinion, the world would be a much better place if more people felt this divine level of joy and supreme ecstasy. It is one thing to feel the emotion of joy and strive to experience it whenever possible; it is an entirely another experience to feel it so intensely in one’s body on a cellular level I would not have imagined it was possible unless I actually experienced it.

I also came to realize, after feeling this level of joy, that as a society we are often have a greater fear of pleasure than pain. Put another way, many of us are unconsciously more afraid of pleasure than of pain – for a multitude of reasons. I speculate that since we are still survival-oriented as a civilization, we prioritize pain, or its avoidance, as a greater indicator to keep us alive than the pursuit of pleasure. This is a gross generalization and pure speculation, but I have found this to be the case.

Another way I experienced this fear of pleasure is during an orgonomy session with Morton Herzkowitz, D. O. a psychiatrist practicing in Philadelphia, PA. Orgonomy is a practice of releasing blocked energy and tensions in the body through various breathing and pressure techniques that stimulate a whole-body level orgasm, for some of us, perhaps the first time in our lives. It was developed by the controversial genius doctor Wilhelm Reich, who also developed the orgone box, a device purportedly designed to capture free energy from the atmosphere and deliver it to people. Dr. Herzkowitz asked me to simulate pelvic rocking and with each movement breathe deeply and intensely – very quickly the pleasure of this simple practice alone was unbearable – and it quickly demonstrated to me how we keep ourselves locked up for fear of experiencing pleasure, and the orgasm that comes with it.

Right now, pay attention to your breathing. Are you breathing as deeply as possible? Or are you breathing just the minimal amount to keep you alive? Just another sign that most of us are operating at a fraction of the energy capacity was possibly can.

So for starters, I recommend juicing once a day if at all possible. It has worked for me to juice first thing in the morning, as part of my daily rejuvenative practice – it sets a blissful tone for the day and I feel energized, vibrant, and alive. Of course I recommend everyone experiment with timing for when to juice, which fruits and vegetables to use in which particular combination, and the impact and effect the juice will have on your life based on your intentions.

Based on this simple routine, I also feel free to eat as I please during the day, in concert with what feels right, taking into consideration my taste buds, activities, and social calendar.

Any juicer is better than no juicer. Your choice of equipment depends on your budget and dedication to the art of juicine. I’ve been through several juicers, starting with Juiceman, which quickly burned out from overuse- I also found it to make the juice warm and foamy. Not all juicers are alike.

I also used the Champion Juicer, but finally landed on the GreenStar juicer, in my opinion the best I’ve come across. The hefty price tag is more than justified in the long term impact it will have on your health. This juicer “chews” food slowly pushed through its gears comparable to teeth, and does it so well that the out put is a very large quantity of juice from a modest amount of vegetables. The pulp that is pushed out is also very dry, another good indicator that the juice is extracted. Also, the two gears that chew food supposedly contain strong magnets that help extract the trace minerals contained in the food. This juicer is for the serious connoisseur for the rugged health crusader.

I find it hard honestly to imagine who would not benefit, at least in some way, from juicing frequently as part of your rejuvenative daily (or weekly) practices.